Monday, October 6, 2014


If I started writing book reviews there would be no end of posts.  I LOVE BOOKS!!!  I love classics. I love non-fiction.  I love historical fiction.  I love reference books (yes, I know that is weird).  I love mysteries.  I love biographies.  I love poetry.  Cookbooks combine my love of food and my love of books which is just magical.  I am thankful for my children for hundreds of different reasons, but one of the best things about having kids is filling the house with children's books.  I enjoy their textbooks, picture books, chapter books, everything.  This week we were especially excited about one of our new books.  I wanted to share it with all of you.  
We frequently order books from Scholastic Reading Club.  They have wonderful books and their prices are usually really good.  We like to do lots of oral reading as a class so we order six copies of quite a few titles.  Reading Club often has $1.00 books which really helps.   Of course, when the kids get to 5th and 6th grade (we have one of each of those this year) a lot of the books are less than appropriate to say the least.   I tend to stick with the classics for older students unless I have time to proofread a title.  Still, my older students enjoy reading some of the 'little kid' books along with their younger siblings.  This month our Scholastic Reading Club order included a surprisingly homeschool friendly book.  
It isn't often that you come across a kid's book about a homeschool family so how often do you come across a kid's book with a homeschool dog?  We ordered several new back to school themed books.  We enjoy those books, but most of them are about meeting your new teacher and finding the right classroom and things that aren't anything like our back to school experience.  We also got the book Charlie Goes to School by Ree Drummond (a.k.a. the Pioneer Woman).  It was a pleasant surprise to find a back to school book with homeschoolers.  The kids and I highly recommend it.
There are several Charlie books available.  We are definitely going to be ordering them.  You can also see the 'real' Charlie on her website here: Charlie the Cowdog 

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