I knew this year was going to be a challenge. I was up for the challenge. Bethany and Brittany both starting K5? I was prepared. Josh making some major additions to his daily work requirements? I was prepared for that too. Making classroom activities engaging for five year olds and a ten year old together? I could handle it. After all, I've been teaching for years. This is our fifth year homeschooling and I was ready. I had it all under control. I had a plan. I had a schedule. I was organized, ready, and even excited about starting this school year.
We were going to start early this year. Even earlier than we did last year. So we did. I got the classroom ready. I laid out our first semester in the plan book and we were set to go. We had a fabulous start of school. Awesome pictures for my scrapbooks on the first day. Lots of fun projects including literature, science, writing, and art. It was going to be a great year. Then, by Wednesday, I had 3 kids with a stomach virus. By Friday, we were all sick in bed. No problem, minor setback. I could handle it. We took a week off to disinfect the house from top to bottom and rest up. Then something else came up and we didn't get back to our regular school schedule for two more weeks. It was okay though, we were still ahead of schedule and moving along well. Then, it was bronchitis. Then, pneumonia. Then, another stomach virus. The list could go on and on. It seemed every time we started back to a regular school schedule, something happened.
Now, here it is, the end of November and I feel hopelessly behind. We are finishing up our seventh week of regular classwork, so we are really not completely behind, but it sure feels like it. So, what has this school year taught me? Well, quite a lot actually.
I have learned that the teacher should never stop learning either. No matter how long I teach, there is always something new for me to learn.
I am learning to lean on the Lord even more.
I have learned that the world goes on even when I'm too weak to take care of those things that "just won't get done around here if I'm not constantly busy".
I have learned that sick or well, happy or sad, scheduled or chaotic, our home is a blessed place to be and I am thankful for that.
I have learned that my children are compassionate and caring. When I've been sick, they have helped each other and showed kindness to me.
I have learned (again) that learning happens outside the classroom too.
I have learned that God wants us to 'be still' sometimes (even when we don't want to).
It isn't how you start, it's how you finish that matters. Staying faithful when things are difficult is what is important.
I also learned that God can take my failures and chaos and turn them into something good if I will just give up my 'control' over it. So that is my prayer this year. Lord, take my life, my home, my goals, my children. Make them what You would have them to be. Mold my plans to Yours and let Your love shine through me.
So this is our theme song this year:
Are we down-hearted?
No, No, No
Are we down-hearted?
No, No, No
Troubles may come
And troubles may go
I'll trust in Jesus
Come wheel or woe
Are we down-hearted?
Are we down-hearted?
No! No! No!
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