Friday, December 9, 2011

Show & Tell - Public Speaking 101

Most of you who know me would probably be shocked to hear that I've ever been shy in my life, but it is true.  Public speaking terrified me for a long time.  Freshman speech in college was a horrifying experience.  Everyone said that Speech 101 would be scary at first but would end up being my favorite class by the end of the semester.  Well, guess what, I took Speech 101 and Speech 102 and I hated every moment of it.  It was terrifying.  However, my dislike for public speaking goes back much further.  I remember the first time I had to give an oral report in school.  I was in 3rd or 4th grade and had to give a topic report in front of the whole school.  Granted, the whole school was only about 40 students at the most, but I thought I was going to be sick.  Now, I am a lot more comfortable with public speaking these days.  Peer teaching, recording practice teaching on video, and student teaching prepared me well.  I've had experience teaching preschoolers through adults and I enjoy every opportunity the Lord gives me to teach. 

Show and Tell is a great way to help students practice public speaking without it being a scary experience.  Of course, there are only six of us in our classroom (five students and myself), but we enjoy show and tell time.  In general, we do show and tell after Bible time each Monday.  It is a fun way to start the school week.  Sometimes, we tell about a toy, a movie, a memory, etc . . . One of our favorite show and tells was when each child had a chance to read their favorite book.  I used our peek-around monsters to display a color copy of each child's favorite book. 

Each child had a chance to read their book for the class.  It was a fun day for all of us.

Joshua reading a science book - of course!

And Joy reads her princess book.

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