Thursday, December 29, 2011

Standardized Testing - Yikes!

This will be our first year attending standardized testing and I am a little nervous, to say the least.  Joshua is in third grade this year so he will be taking his first standardized test.  I get to go with him and be there in case he needs me, but I am still nervous about it.  I've found several ways to help us prepare for the test and ease my mind about it too.
First of all, Alaska has a website that allows teachers to download sample tests for each age group.  I will be able to do a sample test with Josh in the weeks leading up to the test.  Also, I've looked over the test and it is much simpler than I expected for his grade-level.  Still, this style of testing is unlike our tests that we use in the classroom, so I've found a couple of good ways to help us all prepare for this new type of test.
Lakeshore Learning has test-taking strategy computer programs for Language and for Math for different grade-levels.  These programs cover the wide-range of material covered in the standardized tests and the mulitple types of questions used as well.  These programs help students to understand different strategies for answering the questions in the standardized tests.  These programs are a little expensive at 14.95 for each subject and grade-level.  The bonus is that you can purchase them directly from the website and download them directly to your computer.
To help us better familiarize ourselves with different question/answer styles used in standardized tests, we will be having game-show day at school once a week for the next couple of months.  Lakeshore Learning sells nylon pocket charts with game boards similar to Jeopardy to cover Math, Science, and Vocabulary.  The charts include 100s of question cards covering multiple subject areas, category headers, 20 point value cards to choose from, and a game-show title card.  I am excited about using our Vocabulary and Science quiz-show games in class.  I really wish I would have purchased the Math game as well.  Lakeshore offers 3 games with chart for 1-3 grade and 3 more for 4-6.  These games are very expensive at 49.95 each (yikes!), but are also available frequently on ebay for less or you can download the computer version for 19.95 each.  The computer version is available for instant download and is a great option for everyday computer practice of basic skills for individual students. 
Lakeshore Learning is one of my favorite vendors for school materials (if you haven't noticed).  They have 3 ipad apps available from itunes.  Also, you can sign up for their email list and receive occasional discount offers which might make the price more feasible.

For This Child I Prayed

Didn't you just love having Christmas fall on a Sunday this year?  I thought it was just perfect.  To spend the day in the Lord's house celebrating His gift to the world, sharing fellowship with other believers, telling others about the gift of salvation that we celebrate at Christmas time.  It was a wonderful blessing.  Of course, we enjoyed all the regular trappings of the season, food, family, gifts.  It was wonderful.  We are truly blessed.  Having Christmas fall on a Sunday reminded me of a very long and not especially fun Christmas a few years ago.  The last time Christmas Day fell on a Sunday, I too was great with child.  Josh was 3, Joy was almost 2, and we were expecting our third child.  After we had Joy, our little family had one boy and one girl.  We had the best of both worlds and I was content.  But just before Joy turned 1, my heart felt that same ache.  I wanted another little one.  I prayed that God would bless us again with a baby.  Now, Josh was God's idea, not ours.  Joy, on the other hand, was the express wish of my parents who wanted a grand-daughter.  But, this baby, this baby I entreated the Lord for.  I would have named him Samuel if that weren't Josh's middle name because Hudson was the child I prayed for.
What does all that have to do with Christmas?  Well, I'm getting to that. 
None of my pregnancies were easy.  I was desperately sick with all of them, but this pregnancy was really trying.  Instead of getting past the morning sickness stage, it continued on until the day after delivery.  As an added bonus, I started having contractions around the 32-33 week mark.  I tried to ignore them, that didn't work out well.   Joey and I would spend hours in triage only to have them tell me, "Yes, you're in labor.  Come back if it gets really bad."  It was a long December to say the least.  We spent all of our anniversary in the hospital.  Then, Christmas morning came.  It was a beautiful Sunday.  We got the kids ready and headed to church.  I was so sick, Joey had to pull the van over several times.  I was ready to teach Sunday School and play the piano for both services, but my dad (a.k.a. Pastor) took one look at me and told Joey to take me straight to the hospital.  I tried to argue, that didn't work out well either.
I was excited.  Having a Christmas baby would be fun, right?  I was scheduled to be induced five days later so I figured they would let me go ahead and have the baby that day.  It didn't work out quite like I planned.  Instead, Joey, the kids and I spent our Christmas Day at the hospital.  Joey got the kids Christmas dinner in the cafeteria and they took naps on my bed.  It was a long Christmas.  And we left without what I really wanted for Christmas that year, the baby I had prayed for.
I had to wait five very long days.  It was worth the wait.  Hudson is so much fun.  He loves life.  He was our first child who actually played with toys.  He is a lot of fun to teach in school.  He makes our house exciting (a.k.a. loud).
Every year, we celebrate Hudson's birthday along with New Year's.  Most of the time people don't like combining their birthday with another celebration, but Hudson looks forward to it as soon as the snow begins to fall in October.  He knows the routine by now.  We have to have snow, then we get a Christmas tree, then we have Christmas, then we burn the tree and shoot off fireworks.  (this is our New Year's tradition)  For Hudson, bonfires and fireworks are meant for his birthday.  And what a way to celebrate for this little boy who has blessed our family in such a tremendous way! 

Happy 6th Birthday, Hudson Taylor!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Better than I Could Have Imagined

Today marks a special day for Joey and me.  It is our tenth anniversary.  It has been a joy being his wife and serving the Lord together.  I would love to say that our marriage has been perfect because of our wise decisions and hard work, but that wouldn't exactly be the truth.  Our marriage has been truly blessed by God in every way.  I have no doubt that God brought us together and prepared us for each other before we even met.  I attribute that blessing, not to anything that we have done, but to our excellent parents who sought the Lord in prayer on our behalf daily praying for our future spouse.  It's a good thing too.  I must say, as a twenty-something college student, I wasn't looking for all the right things in a husband.  Don't get me wrong.  I wasn't looking for all the wrong things.  I just didn't have the foresight or the wisdom to really seek out the specific qualities that are important in a husband and father.  Still, where I was neglect, God was merciful.  I may not have had the foresight to look for certain qualities in my future husband before we were married, but I've been pleasantly surprised to find God chose better than I ever could have.

A wise friend once asked me a very interesting question.  One I had never considered, but I must say it was a blessing to me to answer her question.  She asked me to give her a list of things I didn't know about Joey before we got married that I admired about him or I was thankful for.  When we first got married, I wanted to be a wife and a homemaker so much, I just couldn't wait.  Unfortunately, because of my impatience, I didn't consider too much farther into the future than the first few months.  I suppose that stems from my love of classic romances.  They meet, they fall in love, they get married- The End.  I think that's how many people view marriage.  It's the part that comes after that that we aren't prepared for.  So as I considered her question, I was blessed to consider all the ways Joey has blessed my life in the past 10 years.  Here is a short list of the things I admire about my husband and I am deeply thankful for.

1. He loves to serve the Lord.  I knew that Joey loved the Lord when we first met and that was important to me, but I never realized all the potential for ministry we would have together in our life together.  Now, 10 years later we are literally thousands of miles away from where we started.  Through the past 10 years I have seen Joey take each opportunity God has given Him and demonstrate his love for the Lord in each area of ministry.  Joey has had the chance to teach, preach, lead music, organize youth activities, lead visitation programs, and serve in so many ways.   He has been the spiritual leader for our family that is so important to me and to our family. 

2. He is dependable and faithful.  If there is one person in this world I can depend on, it is my husband.  I know that I can count on him in everything.  When I was in the hospital with the twins, I wanted to fret and worry about everything I was missing at home.  I wanted to call and check on the kids fifteen times a day.  However, I knew that Joey would take good care of all the things I couldn't.  I knew I could depend on him.  Joey has demonstrated amazing faithfulness in every aspect of our life together.  He is the one I know I can count on in everything.  I would like to say it is because I chose so wisely, but I think it simply the graciousness of God in my life and his amazing parent who raised him well. 

3. He is a great father.  Joey is the fourth of five boys.  By the time we met and were getting ready for our wedding, his older brothers already had families of their own.  I watched Joey interact with his nephews and neices and thought it was sweet the way they played and laughed together.  I never really considered what he would be like with our children though.  Well, we didn't have to wait long to find out!  Josh came along 10 months later.  I have been amazed ever since at Joey's way with the children.  He is a gentle, loving, and compassionate father.  Of course, he had a good example growing up.  He is playful and fun, he is an excellent teacher, and he is a strong leader for each of our children.  I am so thankful for his influence in their lives.

4. He is my very best friend.  After 10 years together, I can honestly say, there is no one in the world I'd rather spend time with than him.  He understands me.  He inspires me.  He tolerates me.  He loves me unconditionally.  We cherish our time together, whether it is overnight trips with a van full of teenagers, an afternoon cleaning the house, or actual time together with just the two of us. 

Today I am thankful for 10 wonderful years with the greatest man I know.  Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!

A New Look at Christmas!

Every Christmas season you hear it, "Keep Christ in Christmas", "Jesus is the Reason for the Season."  I'm not disagreeing.  I love those sayings.  I delight in this seasonal celebration of the birth of our Savior.  I watch the holiday movies with the kids.  I fill the house with decorations.  I spend hours at the piano practicing Christmas songs - (Why do Christmas carols have so many accidentals?)  I bake cookies and make candy.  I enjoy the season so much, but it breaks my heart to see the world's celebration of a season that has little meaning beyond gifts, toys, and food.  This is the time to celebrate the grace of God that was delivered to us and the awesome way God chose to send it.

I just love listening to the radio with all of the Christmas music.  However, listening to secular artists singing Christmas carols leaves me questioning.  How can they sing about this miraculous birth, this arrival of the Savior, not change their lives?  Some of us have grown too familiar with the words, we fail to see the meaning. 

Joy to the world!  The Lord is come:
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,

How can people hear this every year and not grasp the message.  Why do they not prepare room for Him in their hearts.  The song is clear; the Saviour has come!  Oh that they would receive Him. 

As we hurry about the malls buying gifts and we race through the store to collect the ingredients for our Holiday feasts, the music flows through the speakers telling of the Saviour who has come.  Still, the faces of the people show that they still are searching and not finding Him.  They are still empty and don't know why.  Oh, that this time of year we would each use this blessed Holiday season to share His gift of love with the people around us.  Yes, Jesus is the Reason for the Season, but have you ever stopped to consider that Jesus is the Season, but You are the Reason!  You are the reason that He came to earth.  You are the reason He came as a helpless baby.  He came as a man so that He would know the struggles you face and the heartbreaks you know.  He came to live among us so that He could understand us better.  And he came to die so that we wouldn't have to.  Yes, You are the Reason for this Season!  Won't you share that Christmas message with someone else and give them a real reason to celebrate this Christmas.

Jesus is the Season, but You are the Reason!

Friday, December 9, 2011

What A Legacy!

We, my sweet husband and I, are quickly approaching the 10 year mark.  As I think back to those exciting days and weeks leading up to the wedding, I always remember our extensive pre-marital counseling.  Pastor Bethea, who performed most of our ceremony, was very patient and understanding with us for our conseling sessions.  We talked about our plans for the ceremony.  Both fathers had parts in the ceremony as well as Pastor Bethea since my dad and Joey's dad are both ordained pastors and we wanted to include them in our special day.  We had two or three counseling sessions with a little homework and reading assignments.  Then, with the Thanksgiving holiday, school events, and Christmas holiday coming up, Pastor was very busy and he brought us in for a final counseling session.  He told us both, very seriously, "I know both of your families.  I know your parents and I know their ministries.  If you paid attention at all growing up, you'll be just fine."  We all kind of laughed about it at the time, but I think his advice was very sound.   He could have squeezed us into his extremely busy schedule and taught us everything we needed to know about marriage and making a Godly home, but we had been taught those things from our infancy - hopefully we were paying attention.

My parents recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.  We put together a slide-show of pictures from their wedding and their early ministry, here in Alaska, as well as more recent pictures.  It was such a blessing to see how God has blessed them through the years and how they have remained faithful to His call in their lives.  Their years of faithful service in Alaska has touched so many lives, including my own.  Their marriage has given stability to my life since my childhood.  I always knew that no matter what else happened, that my parents would stay together and would be there for me always.  That assurance in a child's life cannot be measured.  I'm so thankful for their Godly example to me.

As a young person, I never considered the family I would marry into.  I really should have.  Still, the Lord was gracious to me and gave me the best in-laws in the world.  I couldn't have asked for better.  The Seibers have accepted me into their family and have always been a blessing to me from the very beginning.  I am so very thankful for the Godly influence my husband had growing up.  Mom and Dad Seiber sacrificed of themselves to raise Joey in a Godly home to become the man he is today.  Mr. Seiber taught Joey by example to be a loving husband and caring father.  Their caring relationship and their faithful years of ministry for the Lord are an inspiration to us each day.

I praise the Lord for the Godly legacy He has given to Joey and me and the amazing Christian influence my children have from both sets of grandparents.  We are only a week away from our 10th anniversary.  How exciting to think of the many more years together that are still to come!

Show & Tell - Public Speaking 101

Most of you who know me would probably be shocked to hear that I've ever been shy in my life, but it is true.  Public speaking terrified me for a long time.  Freshman speech in college was a horrifying experience.  Everyone said that Speech 101 would be scary at first but would end up being my favorite class by the end of the semester.  Well, guess what, I took Speech 101 and Speech 102 and I hated every moment of it.  It was terrifying.  However, my dislike for public speaking goes back much further.  I remember the first time I had to give an oral report in school.  I was in 3rd or 4th grade and had to give a topic report in front of the whole school.  Granted, the whole school was only about 40 students at the most, but I thought I was going to be sick.  Now, I am a lot more comfortable with public speaking these days.  Peer teaching, recording practice teaching on video, and student teaching prepared me well.  I've had experience teaching preschoolers through adults and I enjoy every opportunity the Lord gives me to teach. 

Show and Tell is a great way to help students practice public speaking without it being a scary experience.  Of course, there are only six of us in our classroom (five students and myself), but we enjoy show and tell time.  In general, we do show and tell after Bible time each Monday.  It is a fun way to start the school week.  Sometimes, we tell about a toy, a movie, a memory, etc . . . One of our favorite show and tells was when each child had a chance to read their favorite book.  I used our peek-around monsters to display a color copy of each child's favorite book. 

Each child had a chance to read their book for the class.  It was a fun day for all of us.

Joshua reading a science book - of course!

And Joy reads her princess book.

Building Toys - #2

Bristle Blocks are so much fun.  I remember getting these in a kid's meal when I was little and I loved them.  I purchased several sets of them on ebay last year and the kids have had lots of fun with them.  Of course, the current versions are lots more fun than the set I had, but they are basically the same.  These plastic blocks are covered with bristles that interlock with each other in a variety of ways.  The new sets have spinning parts, silly faces, and lots of other fun details. 

I like to hand out a bin of these fun building toys to each student to play with while we listen to music or I read a story.  It is a fun way to take a break from school work or a quiet way to start the school day.  These building toys are great for all ages and are available nearly everywhere.

These photos were taken a while ago, but they are just too cute.  Hudson is so serious about what he's doing.

Building Toys - #1

Building toys have long been a favorite for children everywhere.  Some of my favorite toys as a child were building toys.  Of course, the building toys I had as a child were the of the low-tech variety.  My dad was once given a huge truck full of plastic milk crates.  My brothers and I built huge playhouses out of the milk crates in the backyard.  Oh what fun!  We also had the traditional wooden cubes with numbers and letters on them.  We had the variety blocks too which included squares, rectangles, and circles cut out of wood.  We had a blast with them - especially the part where you knock them all over. 

Of course, our kids love these basics (although we've yet to be blessed with a truckload of milk crates).  We have found some super-fun building toys that are a lot more creative too.  One of our favorites are Zoobs.  These building toys are so much fun because they connect in multiple ways and allow for movement similar to joints.  I also discovered Zoob mobiles which include wheels and tires.  We haven't quite graduated to the more advanced sets which include motors or robotics, but plan to add those next year when we study electricity and machines.  Zoobs are a fun, imaginative, and creative building toy for all age groups (3+). 

My oldest, Joshua, loves to build Zoob cars and motorcycles.

Joy prefers to make tiaras and jewelry with Zoobs.