Saturday, October 1, 2011

Books on CD

This post may date me considerably, but I think I'm mature enough to deal with that (I should be at my age).

When I was a kid, my mom found a little record player at a garage sale and a few books with records.  Yes, I'm that old.  I still remember listening to those books.  The Tale of Briar Rabbit was a favorite of mine.  You would start the record and it would read the book to you and I always loved the page turns.  "When you hear the chimes ring like this, you'll know it is time to turn the page."  I loved it.  Before I learned to read and even after I was a very advanced reader I just loved to sit and listen to the books.

Now, of course, things are much different.  I have lots of fun books on cd for the kids.  Most of them are from Scholastic.  I do occasionally use the cd's; however, there are so many of them that I tend to have trouble organizing them all.  I imported all of the kids' cd's to my itunes and loaded them on my ipad.  The kids enjoy listening to the books and following along.  The younger children (pre-readers) enjoy it just as much as my older children.  I even have a few chapter books for the older children which helps them to make that sometimes difficult transition from short books to chapter books.  I like Scholastic books on cd because the add fun sound affects, background music, etc . . . Some audio versions are available directly form itunes.

I've had these soft armchairs since we moved into the house.  The kids grab a book, an ipod, and snuggle into their 'reading chairs' to enjoy a good book.

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